Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Scrappy Strips

One of the most time consuming, fiddly jobs ever, but totally worth the effort.  I have been using up scraps to make 2 inch strips to incorporate into the blocks for the wedding quilt.  When I started, I sorted out a pile of scraps and set them aside in a shoe box.  The jumble of pieces in the box is now rapidly dwindling, so much so that I am wondering whether there will be much left once it comes to making a strip for the border of the quilt.

At the moment I am making great progress with piecing the blocks.  I have already finished six, all measuring 21 inches square, and have three more to make in the same size.  After that I will be making the blocks for the border, twelve measuring approximately 15 x 21 inches, and four 15 inch square corner blocks.  I am hoping to get most of the piecing done before the New Year, and then go shopping for the wadding and backing fabric in January.

It is years since I made a large quilt.  I had forgotten how much I enjoy it. The weather has been dull and dreary, ideal for staying in, but useless for photos.  If the sun shines soon, I shall have to take some photos ready for my progress report later this week.

Andrée is hosting Free Motion Mavericks at the moment, so I am linking up to her blog just in the nick of time before the linky closes!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Muv, how wonderful. You're doing great! Thanks for linking up. I'll be linking up to your party soon. Take care.



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