Saturday, July 7, 2012

And ejecting another shuttle

This is a Serata treadle, which is shown in the "How to Treadle" video.  It has a very handy little lever.

The shuttle doesn't just pop up, it practically comes flying out.  It is a very nifty little mechanism.


  1. I know. I know. I am about 2 years behind the times. But I just discovered your blog from Esther's WOW. # of the girls who belong to the quilt group that meets here at my Farm recently purchased Singer 99Ks and I realized that I had one of those among others. I have 3 that have the long bobbin and have absolutely no idea how to wind the things. I am looking forward to reading through your marvelous insights in the near future. And, I share your link with the girls.

    1. Hello Chris,
      2 years is nothing. Going by the age of my newest machine I am 65 years behind the times.
      All the information you need for threading up 99Ks and long bobbin machines is here - click on the relevant headings in the side bar, and also on the link at the top right to go to the Youtube channel.
      I hope you and the girls have fun sorting out your old machines, and thank you for sharing the link.
      Love, Muv



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