Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Doll Quilt from Barbara in Oregon

Here is the doll quilt that came all the way from Oregon, the longest flight taken by any doll quilt I have received so far.  Before it arrived I found out that Barbara had a blog  so I had a sneaky peep and saw a photo of this wonderful little picture quilt.  As soon as I saw it I had to shut my eyes straight away.  Partly because it felt like cheating, but also because I loved it so much and didn't dare believe it might be on its way to me.  I couldn't even read what Barbara had written about it, because if it wasn't the one coming my way the disappointment might have been too much.  So you can imagine the delight when the big envelope finally arrived and I took out this beauty!

It is definitely an American landscape - look how the converging parallels give the feeling of wide open space.  Not a tree or hedge in sight.  And those farm buildings look totally American.

Thank you Barbara, you did a wonderful job!

Welcome to Mary Ellen - thank you for following!

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