Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Boring Picture, Tedious Sewing, Exciting News

Well it's not that boring, it's rather pretty - a close-up of the material I am using to make a hanging strip.  I bought yards of this stuff, a nice fresh furnishing cotton, in a sale a couple of years ago.  It is ideal for the hanging strip that I have to sew to the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Quilt.  I am not looking forward to all that hand sewing.  Dull as ditch water. 

What I am looking forward to is a nice drive to Worcestershire on 13th May to deliver the quilt to the Three Counties Showground for the Malvern Quilt Show.  I've never entered a quilt in a show before. It's a bit scary really.


  1. Wonderful news!! There is no feeling to match the honor and pride you will feel as you walk up to your quilt hanging in the show. You won't be able to remove the smile from your face. And think of all the people you will inspire as they gaze upon your work! Hurrah for your exciting news and sharing it with us.

    1. Thank you Allison! I'm dreading all the hand sewing though - just couldn't get started today... I found something else to do.


    2. I'm so excited for you Muv and ITA with AllisonInPlano, it is a true thrill to see your quilt hanging. When I saw my first one in a show, I stood there and tears came! :)

      What a perfect fabric for your hanging sleeve. I know you will get in the mood for that hand sewing soon!
      Regards, QuiltE

  2. How thrilling! It's such a beautiful quilt. My favourite blocks are the pine cones and the daffodil. Or is it called Narcis, like in Dutch?
    I happen to love hand sewing, pity I can't do it for you.



    1. Thank you Marianne! Yes, it is a daffodil. We call the yellow ones daffodils and call other varieties narcissus - especially the white ones with the small dark centres.


  3. That's wonderful news, and I love the fabric. Most likely the hand stitching will go faster than you think, it's the getting started that's the worst part for me. I can't wait to see it hanging on display, please post pictures when it's up. I just wish I could see it in person. Have an excellent day!

    Be well,
    Laura Jean

  4. Good luck with the quilt show! I've only entered a quilt at the state fair and that was nerve wracking enough.

  5. Thank you everyone for all your wonderful encouragement!


    1. Good Luck ... who knows, maybe someone from the Royal Family will attend and you'll get some extra special attention!
      Regards, QuiltE



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