Friday, April 12, 2013

Doll Quilt - Lamb in an English Meadow

The theme for the April swap on Doll Quilters Monthly was animals, so here is the lamb I made for Lynn.  In real life the quilt is rectangular, but my design wall is the clothes rack with a length of curtain lining slung over it, so getting things flat just doesn't happen.

Some of you may remember the picture of stray sheep that I posted a few weeks ago.  I used the lamb as my model because he had posed so nicely.  His ears just needed to be perked up a bit and his tail brought into view.

My first go at stitching his eyes had to be unpicked.  Totally my own fault, because I was trying to do it from memory rather than looking at the photo.  I wanted to make sure the eyes were in the right place, way over to the side of the head, so he looked like a real lamb rather than a cartoon character with eyes like a child's.

For the background I did free motion quilting on the Singer 15K treadle.  The tall zigzags were to give the impression of grass.  For the border I did my favourite meandering pattern, and it blends into the border fabric.

For the backing I used up the last of the vintage Laura Ashley, which turned out to be enough to back three doll quilts.

Lynn received this quilt on Wednesday, and the next day her quilt to me landed in our porch.  It's a beauty!  Just wait till you see it tomorrow...

This post is being linked up to Leah Day's blogspot so you can visit other blogs featuring free motion quilting, and also to TGIFF! at Quilt Matters blogspot so you can admire lots of other finished projects.

Also linking up with Val's Quilting Studio for Tuesday Archives 

Welcome to the latest follower, La Magnifique.  Thank you for joining!


  1. Adorable! I especially like the floral button embellishments.

  2. Aww, what a darling quilt. The eyes look much better now, and I LOVE the Laura Ashley fabric. The quilt is beautiful.

  3. It's amazing how much the eyes change something isn't it? I'm sure glad you changed them in this case! He turned out so sweet looking. I'm really loving it.

  4. Your detail work, Muv, as always is wonderful. It emulates the photo ever so well. So priceless that you and your swap partner both did sheep!

    I've been following you on my own and can't believe I missed the "subscribe" option til now! *gasp* :)
    Regards, QuiltE

  5. Adorable, Lizzie! Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!



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