Monday, May 6, 2013

Doll Quilt - 100th Birthday Quilt

This is the quilt that I made for Mary, my April partner in the Doll Quilters Monthly swap.  The theme was birthdays to celebrate the fact that the swap is now one year old.  I decided to add a couple of noughts and celebrate the fact that my beautiful Serata treadle is 100 years old this year, so I used it to piece the top, a 100 square chequerboard.

For the straight line quilting I used my star machine, the Singer 99K because I know it never lets me down.

In the pale floral panels in the border I used the Singer 15K treadle for a bit of free motion quilting, and then changed back to the 99K to do the binding.  The backing is from a piece of lightweight cotton that I have had for at least thirty years and never quite known what to do with it.  It was perfect for this little quilt.

Because all the cottons were dressmaking rather than craft weight cottons, the finished quilt was very light and yielding - just right for wrapping around a doll, like a real old fashioned doll quilt.

This quilt was a joy to make - I am so glad you like it, Mary!

This post is being linked with Fresh Sewing Day at Lily's Quilts so you can visit other blogs to admire lots of wonderful creations.

Also linking up to Leah Day's  blog for Free Motion Friday.

Welcome to two new followers today, and Sara Serfaty Garzon.  Thank you for joining!


  1. The quilt is beautiful. I'm sitting here singing "Happy Birthday" to your lovely Serata. It amazes me to think of all the many lives she's touched in her 100 years. Thank you so much for sharing her with us. Have a great day!

    1. Thank you Laura Jean!

      Wouldn't it be great if the machine lasted for another 100 years?


  2. That quilt is loverly.

    Just wanted to say 'Hi' as have just found your blog via YouTube and the excellent 'how to thread the 99K' video, which has prevented much harsh language from the wife trying to decipher a manual from a more genteel age.



    1. Hello Paul,

      So glad you like the quilt.

      Delighted that the wife hasn't come out with anything too frightful. Sewing machines thrive on flattery, a bit like pets and pot plants.




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