Thursday, May 9, 2013

Naumann Vibrating Shuttle

This is the machine I have just cleaned up for a friend, a Seidel and Naumann Vibrating Shuttle.  Not only did I have to use paraffin to work its magic in unsticking the foot, but also the stitch length adjustment mechanism was jammed.  I had to take off the handcrank and the wheel to get to the lever, which is to the right of the pillar above the bobbin winder.  It was well and truly stuck, but eventually I freed it up and re-set it so that the stitch length can be adjusted and set to forwards or reverse.

This smart little tin is for holding the bobbins.

They slot neatly inside.  Unfortunately there were only three with the machine rather than the full complement of five to fill the tin.  I shall have to see if I can get two more.

The machine makes a perfect stitch.  I'm sure that when I return it it will soon be put to good use.


  1. Hello Muv
    What a charming machine does it take standard needles? Which regular user of a long bobbin machine would not appreciate that smart little bobbin tin? I like the art nouveau lettering.


  2. Hello Gavin,

    Yes, it takes a standard needle. I've really enjoyed having the chance to tinker with this machine.


  3. That's a really cute machine, Muv. There's a very very VERY battered Frister & Rossman TS machine for sale at my local thrift-shop. I'd buy it, if not for two problems:

    1. I can't buy the needles for it anymore.
    2. It's $100! Yeeks...


  4. Hello Muv,

    What a cutie.

    I still regret I missed out on a beautiful Seidel und Naumann last Christmas at an auction site.
    That one had extra bobbins too, plus several feet, and was in perfect working order. It also had the wood bent case including the key.
    Alas, the seller never responded, despite the fact that I was the only bidder.

    Oh well, I adore my two Singer machines, and I love using them.



  5. It looks wonderful and I adore the little bobbin tin.

  6. Hei! I just found Your blog on Google pictures thanks to that Seidel & Naumann sewing machine. I found the same machine from my grandparents house, but I cant find information about that particular machine. Do you know how old is this machine? I hope this blog is still active :-) Thanks :-)

    1. Hello Mella,

      I suggest you look at the NeedleBar website if you want to research the history of old machines. Here is the link:-

      This particular machine dates back to (most probably) the 1930s.

      Love, Muv

  7. Hi Muv,

    Do you have an idea what the needle-thread-stitch triplets on the metal plate actually mean? I have a similar S&N with vibrating shuttle and I want to be able to ultimately use it to do small leather stuff, if possible.

    TIA, Christos from Greece

    1. Hello Christos,

      I have to admit that lists of numbers make me glaze over. Lots of threads that were available when these machines were made are no longer available. Your best bet is to ask in a good shop or do a bit of research online.

      Best of luck with your machine!

      Love, Muv

  8. I have one of these, and it was made in 1907, and just that year the machine had orange flower decals in honor of the Dutch royal family. It's not in perfect condition, but it's in really good condition and it's absolutely stunning, and runs immaculately. You can also adjust the stitch length in both forward and reverse. The farther away from the center point the longer the stitch. In both directions! It is an absolute JOY to use! But, the manual is in Dutch lol. You can get replacement bobbins and a shuttle on Amazon. I'm currently searching for a bobbin tire, mine has worn down I have to hold the bobbin winder tire up against the hand wheel to wind a bobbin. I also have a bobbin tin, but mine is black. Love it!



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