Saturday, September 6, 2014

Meg's New Dress

The highlight of my week has been a trip to see Meg and her family in South Wales.  Even though I finished the dress in time for her third birthday at the end of May, I haven't actually seen her until now.  On her birthday she saw a photo I emailed to her mum and dad, and they told me she was thrilled, saying "I want to twy it on weally soon." 

On Monday she finally twied it on, and here she is, looking all healthy and rosy cheeked after her summer holiday by the sea.  The photo could be better, slightly soft focus - the light was a bit dull and I didn't want to dazzle Meg with a flash.  She posed so nicely, instinctively putting her hands behind her back so we could see the front of her dress better.  I was relieved to see that the size was right, with plenty of room for growth, but not swamping her.

Just a couple more posts to go, showing how I attached the skirt to the bodice and did the button down front, but this photo is too priceless to leave until the very end.

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