Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Stitching at Home and Abroad

At the moment I am doing an appliqué using the Jubilee Rose pattern.  While we were away on holiday in Poland I did the blanket stitching around the appliqué, and now we are home again I am adding detail with the sewing machine.  A few lines in dark green are enough for the veins on the leaves, and can be done without slavishly following the pattern.

The detail in the flower itself is a different matter.  I have had to follow the pattern exactly, and have done four lines of stitching side by side so that they show up sufficiently against the red.

If I get my skates on I should have it finished by the end of the week, but knowing me...

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Linking up today with Connie's blog Freemotion by the River for Linky Tuesday


  1. Your stitching is very pretty even if time consuming. When will you share the whole piece?

    1. Thanks Sharon. I am hoping to show the completed piece some time next week, provided all goes well.



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