Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Colourful Appliqué Leaves

Having finished the stems on the central panel of the big quilt that I am making, I have started work on the leaves.  I am using up small scraps left over from old projects, many of them not wide enough to make an entire leaf, so I am making the most of the colours and using different shades for each side.

This photo shows the method I use to get the shape of the appliqué with a stencil made with the sewing machine to give a perforated line, as shown here.  Once the paper has been removed (see here)...

... then it is time to do the blanket stitch edging by hand, trimming away the excess as I go.

PS. To Sharp-Eyed Viewers.
Yes, I know the tension in the machine stitching on the last photo is rubbish.  I have adjusted it since applying that leaf.  It doesn't matter too much anyway - that stitching is taking no real strain, and it is covered and reinforced by the blanket stitch.

Linking up with Connie's blog Freemotion by the River for Linky Tuesday
and Esther's Blog for WOW = WIPs on Wednesday


  1. It is looking so pretty Muv :0)

  2. Hi Muv
    I am liking the look of this VERY much. Which machine were you using for this stitching - 15K or 99K?

    1. Thanks Gavin! Give this technique a go - it's easy peasy.

      I'm using the 128K Indian Star. It's a while since I used a long bobbin machine for a big project so I've hauled it out of the cupboard. It seemed the obvious choice because the fabrics are all hand woven in India. I've come over all thematic.

      Got any projects going for these long winter evenings?

      Love Muv

  3. Very interesting technique, I will definitely try this. Thanks for sharing.



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