Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Last week I hauled the 1934 Singer 128K out of the corner of the sewing room.  It is just as well I did, because in doing so I discovered that my star machine, the 1927 Singer 99K was growing a fluffy handle

My intention is to use this machine for the next big quilt I am planning, so I wanted to give it a little run in.  Because it has two spool pins I can save time by winding a bobbin while I am sewing.  This felt like a great juggling act, doing mitred corners and bobbin winding at the same time.  I can't understand why some people need to go bungee jumping for a thrill. This did it for me.  Safer, too. 

This machine is probably one of the most intriguing machines I have.  The decals are fascinating. 

Linking with Connie's blog Freemotion by the River for Linky Tuesday


  1. That is a lovely machine! glad you were able to intercept the fuzzy handle!

  2. Beautiful machine. Understand your analogy to bungee jumping quite well. Will have to post how your quilting the big quilt goes. Always love to see the end product.

  3. i would love to have a machine like that

  4. Please tell me about the little red "attachment" near the pressure foot. I'm sure it's a seam guide but I've never seen one before. Did you make it or purchase it? It looks like what I need to keep my seams straight!

    The Singer is beautiful. I have 201 model made a few years later which has a spool holder on the lower right. I can use it to thread a bobbin while sewing. I'm not sure I'd be brave enough to do it you're doing it!

    1. Hello Nancy,

      It's a seam guide with a piece of red felt under it to protect the bed of the machine from damage.

      If you go to the right hand side of this page and click on the heading "Seam guide" in the list of labels, it will bring up previous posts about using the seam guide.

      If you haven't already got one, you can get a basic Singer seam guide from Helen Howes for £1 plus postage.

    2. Thanks for this link, Muv. Looking at the photos, I think I may have one of those somewhere among other attachments in a box. I didn't know what it was. I'll have to go look. Thanks!

  5. LOVE your machine! And Haha~! That's the kind of thrill I love, too!

  6. I've always kind of fancied jumping, but this looks good too! Pretty, pretty machine.

  7. What a beautiful machine and how neat to multi-task!



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