Thursday, November 27, 2014

Free Motion Mavericks - Week 23 - Starting Another Sampler

Not an enormous amount of free motion quilting done this week, but at least I have made a start on my second sampler.  This is as far as I got this afternoon, and then the bobbin thread ran out, which was just as well because I had to go out.

On this close-up you can see how I mark the outlines before filling in with the parallel lines of quilting.  If you look very carefully at the edges of the leaves, and also down the centre of the rust coloured leaf and rising vertically from the tip, there is a machine stitched outline in ivory thread. Because it is the same colour as the calico background it blends in and can't be seen once the whole piece is finished.

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Here goes for week 23...

First, a big welcome to Béatrice, the first person to link up from France, showing beautiful quilted feathers on a quilt for a baby.  

Also, many thanks to Gwyned, Hilary and Chris for linking up last time  - a great collection of projects.  

If you love free motion quilting, whether you are a beginner just taking the plunge, or you have reached the stage where you can do ostrich feathers with your eyes shut and still achieve perfect symmetry, then please link up.

Remember, FMQ is FMQ, whether your machine was made last week, or it is older than your granny.

Here are the very easy and slightly elastic rules:-

1.  Link up with any recent post, ideally from the last week but within the last month, which features a free motion quilting project, whether it is a work in progress or a finish.

2.  Link back to this post in your own post and/or grab the linky button for your blog's sidebar.
3.  Visit as many of the other participants as possible and say hello in the comments box.

4.  The link up will remain open for four days, from midnight to midnight GMT for the long weekend, Friday to Monday.

So far quilters from USA, England, Wales, Australia, Canada, Germany, Holland, New Zealand and France have taken part.  The first participant from each new country will get a special mention the following week.

Linking up with Sarah's blog Confessions of a Fabric Addict for Whoop Whoop Friday


  1. Love the marking technique you developed for guiding your leaf shape when free motion quilting.

  2. Great idea, marking the outlines in thread that blends! I'll maybe graduate to that next, as I'm still drawing with mechanical pencil (thin and faint, but will never disappear). You never fail to teach and inspire!

  3. Except I just remembered....erasers work fairly well with mechanical pencil lines. I obliterate what I can and leave the rest. :)


  4. Very pretty stitching! Whoop whoop!



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