Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Machine Stitched Detail

Today I feel as though I have spent a long time doing not very much.  Adding machine stitched detail to appliqué leaves should be a quick job.  The problem was the tension with the machine I was using, the Singer 128K.  No matter what I did, the bobbin tension was loose.  In the end I decided to try another shuttle, so I hauled one of my other Singers off its shelf and swapped shuttles.  Problem solved.

The first lot of stitching I did on this leaf had the bobbin thread showing in places, so I unpicked it and did it again once I had changed the shuttle.  I am so glad I did.

Linking up today with Esther's blog for WOW-WIPs on Wednesday.


  1. Hi Muv
    The stitches look great. I am really enjoying seeing this project come together. I could be tempted to have a go at your Vintage Sewing Machine Appliqué. I wonder what would make a good learning to swim project?

    I would be interested to hear more about what ails the shuttle on the 128K. I learned how to set up Singer shuttles from your blog and videos and following your instructions my 28K produces stitches to equal those of the much vaunted 201K albeit more slowly. Has the thread worn a grove in the shuttle under the tension spring? Seems doubtful as the rest of your 128K looks brand new. I eagerly await an update.

    1. Thanks Gavin! If you want to try this method of appliqué why not draw some basic leaf shapes like the ones I am doing at the moment? You could go mad and do stems as well.

      I haven't diagnosed the problem with the shuttle yet. Taking it apart is a job for another day, but I will be sure to keep you posted.

      Love, Muv

  2. Erg, I hate it when the machine doesn't cooperate. Especially when it means you have to use the seam ripper! Cute leaves, though.



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