Saturday, June 30, 2018

Baby Boy's Cardigan with Cables

Perhaps this little cardigan is a slightly odd shape, so I am hoping that its new owner will mould it to his own fit.  This was knitted for my latest great-nephew, who was born in late May, and my husband and I were his godparents at his christening last Saturday.

This turned out to be a project with elements I love and others that I hate.  I shall start with the minuses.  The decreasing method that I used for the raglan shoulders doesn't go particularly well with the cables and rib stitch.  I must remember not to use it again except with a plain stocking stitch.  Also the rib makes the whole cardigan seem narrower than it actually is.  Rib might be the perfect stitch for a slender young lady with a pleasing figure, but I'm not so sure it works particularly brilliantly on babies.  The sleeves look the ideal length for an outfit for a baby gibbon.

However, with the cuffs turned up they don't look too bad.  Now the cardigan has the look I was aiming for, a miniature version of an elderly gentleman's cardigan, ideal for an evening relaxing in an armchair with pipe and tartan slippers.

I love the colour of the buttons, a nice deep red to go with the edging.

As for the edging yarn itself, I absolutely love it.  There are shades of red, deep purplish pink, grey and turquoise.  I had slight misgivings at first, thinking it might look too girly with the pinks and reds...

… but there is enough blue and grey to tone it down into a more boyish mix.

Now I am wishing my husband could be persuaded to wear cardigans, but he's always been a jumper man.  Shame.  I would enjoy seeing an adult version in a grey-green tweedy fleck, complete with pockets for cough sweets.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Muv, I love the cardigan. That edging yarn is beautiful. I just hope that your great-nephew will wait a few years before relaxing with his pipe and slippers :-)



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