Friday, June 22, 2018

Autumn Cardigan

Autumn will be here before we know it, and I have amazed myself by having a cardigan finished already for when the cooler weather comes.  It is version 2 of the winter cardigan I made a few months ago, and which turned out to be an absolute godsend when the blizzards came in March.

The mixture of yarns includes a pink flecked cotton and wool mix in place of the grey mohair that I used in the winter cardigan, so it should be just right for cool weather before winter sets in.

This time I thought ahead about the decreasing for the raglan shoulders and ended up with a much neater finish.  For the winter cardigan I made the pattern up as I went along, and the stitch didn't match when I had all the pieces on a circular needle.

The buttons are the same as on the last cardigan.  I liked them so much when I bought them that I came away with ten rather than just the five I needed at the time.

There is loads of the pink flecked yarn left over.  I am itching to make a summer cardigan for next year, but can't decide what colour to use with it.  I'm a bit bored of grey now.  Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  1. I think your flecked pink yarn would look pretty and summery with lavender and/or a creamy yellow. Perhaps a touch of light green? I do welcome hearing from you and I have learned from you as well. Thank you! Patty

    1. Creamy yellow - now that's a colour I hadn't thought of. I'm going shopping later today, so I shall have a fresh look at colours.



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