Saturday, March 9, 2019

Baby Cardigan in Brioche Rib

My fiddliest knitting project ever!  I can't tell you how pleased I am that I have finally finished.

When I started this little cardigan I knew I was in for a mind bending adventure.  Brioche rib isn't for the faint-hearted.  Using two colours and double ended needles was bound to be fun.  So much fun, in fact, that I abandoned this cardigan for a few months and tackled easier projects.

Earlier this week I decided I had to finish it, which meant weaving in twice as many ends of yarn than I thought possible...

… undoing about three rows around the neck because I had knitted too many...

… and sewing up the last unfinished seam.

The seams all seem determined on bending themselves inwards, which is extremely irritating.  I shall have to rethink how to work the ends of the rows so that the next time I use this stitch I have an easier edge to sew up.  

To avoid shoulder seams I put all the pieces onto a circular needle, and am really pleased at how the raglan shaping turned out.

What I am most chuffed about is how soft and warm this stitch is, with the softer yarn on the inside.  This is a really cosy little cardy.  One of these days I shall have to knit another.  

Not just yet, though.

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