Friday, June 28, 2019

Holiday Stitching

Having tried bamboo needles and hated them, I had to find a way to take my knitting on holiday without having to worry about knitting needles.  So here is the latest little baby jacket, all finished except for the seams.  If my bodkin is picked up on the X ray machine at the airport it won't be too much of a tragedy.  If, however, I were to have a pair of metal knitting needles confiscated, especially with knitting on them, then I fear there would be an international incident.

I couldn't resist sewing the buttons on in advance.  When I sew this little jacket up it will seem like a magically quick finish. 


  1. Hope all goes well, safe journey and hope they don't confiscate your knitting!

  2. Hi Muv, what a beautiful little jacket. Yes, one should try to minimise the number of international incidents that one creates :-)

    1. Airports. Love them and hate them. Kept a cool head this time.



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