Thursday, July 25, 2019

Free Motion Mavericks - Week 239 - Filling in Fields

Recognising where I am on a blank canvas is suddenly getting easier.  Just a few blocks of colour here and there to show the position of different fields, and later I will be able to stitch the hedges and trees.  Now I am beginning to see the way forward.  

Typical though.  As soon as I am gripped by enthusiasm we get hit by a heatwave.  Record temperatures are expected in London today, and that is the direction we are travelling this evening...

Here goes for week 239:-

Many thanks to Gail for linking up last time with her beautiful baby quilt.  If you haven't seen her blog post yet, nip over now and see more.

Also you can watch her video!

If you have no free motion quilting to show, feel free to link up and show any project you like.  Here are the usual rules, but feel free to ignore them.  To keep the original emphasis, however, preference will be given to free motion quilting when featuring projects from the previous week.

If you love free motion quilting, whether you are a beginner just taking the plunge, or you have reached the stage where you can do ostrich feathers with your eyes shut and still achieve perfect symmetry, then please link up.

Remember, FMQ is FMQ, whether your machine was made last week, or it is older than your granny.

Here are the very easy and slightly elastic rules:-

1.  Link up with any recent post, ideally from the last week but within the last month, which features a free motion quilting project, whether it is a work in progress or a finish.

2.  Link back to this post in your own post.
3.  Visit as many of the other participants as possible and say hello in the comments box.

4.  The link up will remain open for four days, from midnight to midnight GMT for the long weekend, Friday to Monday.

So far quilters from the USA, England, Wales, Australia, Canada, Germany, Holland, New Zealand, France, Macau, Russia, Ireland and Brazil have taken part.  The first participant from each new country will get a special mention the following week.


  1. Hi Muv, I'm glad that it's getting easier to quilt. That's a lot of quilting to do :-) Looking forward to seeing it develop.



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