Friday, July 19, 2019

Choosing Buttons

Choosing the right colour buttons is like putting the cherry on the cake.  You know instantly when you have the right match.

These bright orange buttons were originally intended for the green and orange V neck cardy I finished a couple of weeks ago.  However, when it came to stitching them on, I didn't.  They were a near miss, so I went shopping instead.  At that point I hadn't realised what a good match they were for this latest cardigan, which I was then halfway through knitting.  It took me a while to see how much the orange streaks in the yarn stood out; once the button band was knitted, and I saw the way the buttons contrasted with the purple and white fleck, I knew they were ideal.

This is the sixth little cardigan in the series that I have made for my first pattern.  All I have left to do is to sew it up and stitch on the buttons.  Meanwhile, I have started drafting the pattern, which will appear here on the blog as a separate page.  

I am almost excited about it.


  1. You should be excited! It's a darling cardigan. I love the button choice, you were right. They are perfect! Jan

    1. Thanks Janice! It is so nice to have number 6 so very nearly finished.

  2. Yes, the buttons look great with that cardigan.

    1. Thanks Cheryl. I have a bit of difficulty with orange. Something to do with the 1970s.



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