Saturday, February 22, 2020

Farewell to a Favourite Skirt

It has served me well, a nice long woollen draught stopper of a skirt, but a couple of weeks ago it suddenly met its end.  Just as I got into the car there was an ominous ripping sound.  This time it wasn't the lining, which was already well and truly shredded, but the back seam.  The material is worn out, and not strong enough for a repair, so it is finished as a skirt.  However, the decoration around the hem is far too pretty to waste, so I have plans for it.  Today I ripped out the lining and zip, and removed most of the zigzagged ribbon.  Once it has been washed and dried I shall work out how to make it into a cushion cover.  The stitched design is perfect for me to use as a guide for some free motion quilting.  This is going to be an interesting recycling project! 


  1. Hi Muv, that sounds like a great plan for a favourite skirt. I've had a few that ripped and were just not worth mending again. I've kept a lot of them, especially the wool ones but have yet to make anything from day! Thanks for linking up to Free Motion Mavericks. Love, Andrée

    1. There's a jacket I have my eye on, too...



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