Friday, May 29, 2020

Knitting a Baby Blanket

Waves from triangles - the latest knitting project!  I scouted around on Youtube for some ideas, and came across a video showing how to knit this design.

This has to be the knitting equivalent of hexies, something to build up a little at a time.  Each triangle is only 18 stitches at the base, but the way they are attached stretches them into a wave shape.  Each wave is made by picking up stitches from the side of the two triangles immediately below, so there are no seams to sew, only tails to weave in.  Also, you can change the colours to vary the pattern.  At the moment I am working across the bottom of the blanket to make it about 26 inches across, and just working in the two shades of blue.  I am undecided as to whether to wait until the shops reopen in about a fortnight's time and seeing if I can buy more of the same, or improvising with wool I already have and throwing in some different colours.  My inclination is to stay fairly restrained with this blanket, and go a bit wild with a pink blanket.  The possibilities are endless... 


  1. Wow! That's a super pattern - going to be a lovely blanket!

    1. Thanks Kerry -it's getting pretty compulsive - have to have something to do when it gets too hot outside!

  2. I've never seen knitting like that. I'll bet that will be a lovely blanket when it is done.

    1. It's interesting, but I'll have loads of tails to weave in...

  3. Hi Muv, that is really cool! It's a blanket of the sea :-) Thanks for linking up to Free Motion Mavericks and take care.



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