Sunday, May 10, 2020

Subtle or Grey?

After stacking the sewing room with half the contents of the dining room, I had the urge to start a project.  Fortunately, I had made sure a few essential items were within easy reach, for instance knitting needles, yarn, and not much else.  On Thursday I started a little baby cardigan using the pattern I devised last year.  It is very enjoyable working on a tiny item and being able to make quick progress.  There is a slight snag though.  This is the time of year that I am busy with the allotment, and end up with permanently grimy hands and fingertips like sandpaper, which fluffs up the wool.  I have to get my knitting done in the morning while my hands are still clean.

Combining a random pastel yarn with a yarn of alternating white, grey and cream was a bit of a risk.  Once you are more than two feet away the eye combines it into grey.  I am hoping that the mauve-pink rib lifts the colour, and am debating whether to put some pink around the chest.  I probably will.  


  1. It will be beautiful. I understand about the hands, mine are so rough it's embarrassing. Plus the tips of my thumbs split which makes most crafts very painful! This virus has wreaked havoc as well - washing hands constantly, using hand sanitizer. So knitting is out for a while. We are making raised beds for the garden, so exciting! I've never had raised beds. Enjoy your weekend, stay safe. Jan in MA

    1. Thanks Janice! I have had a good knitting day today, and the more it grows the better it looks.
      I tend to get a split on my left index finger if I knit too much. A plaster does the trick.
      Raised beds - yes, exciting. Unfortunately the soil in our garden is rubbish, so I grow vegetables at my allotment, which is only two minutes' walk away, but on completely different soil.

  2. Hi Muv, that's really sweet. I think that a little more mauve would be wonderful. My hands are also a mess and I barely did any gardening! It doesn't take much. Have a great week.

    1. Thanks Andrée. I have persisted, to see how the colours turn out. It's looking a little less grey, thank goodness!



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