Friday, September 4, 2020

Baby Blanket Ready For Baby

Nicely rolled up for the photo call to keep it semi secret, because this blanket is for a baby due in a month's time.  I am so glad to have it finished!  It is colourful, to say the least.  It should give the baby something to look at in quieter moments.

I used up oddments of wool left over from previous projects.  Many of them were random yarns from which I have made baby cardigans, so that gave an even livelier colour scheme.

This is the first project I have made in the woven effect stitch, and I am very pleased with the outcome.  The blanket has a firmer texture than one expects with knitting, so it should keep its shape fairly well and stand up to all the kicking and stretching that a baby will give it.

Now I shall relax and look forward to seeing the baby!


  1. A very pretty stitch and such a sweet blanket. xx

  2. Congrats on a lovely finish and a new baby in your life. I am new to knitting and have been eyeing that stitch. So far I'm keeping things simple but I do love the idea of a scrappy blanket to use up misc. colored yarn.

    1. Thank you, and welcome to knitting! Be warned, it is highly addictive, and you will end up with a stash of yarn before you know it.

  3. Hi Muv, that is such a lovely blanket. It will be perfect for keeping baby warm...and you got it done before the baby got here. Congrats! :-)



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