Saturday, September 26, 2020

Three Needle Knitting

Using three needles after nearly sixty years of just using two was a real hurdle to get over.  After experimenting a few weeks ago, I decided it was time to make a seamless cardigan.  Of course I had to make it more difficult for myself by in knitting fisherman's rib with two different balls of wool.  When I was about a third of the way up the first sleeve it started driving me daft for a number of reasons, including forgetting an increase, getting the tension too tight, and taking ages to pick up dropped stitches.  At one point I was close to pulling it all off the needles and giving up.  What particularly irked me was that whatever I did, the tension to the right of the increasing turned out looser than the tension to the left, and I couldn't fathom out why.  I still can't.  Fortunately I gave myself a bit of a talking to, reminded myself that nobody else would notice, and carried on.  All very character building.

So now I have two little sleeves finished, and have started on the back and fronts.  This means surprisingly long rows for such a little cardie, but I managed to cram 147 stitches onto one needle and am now steaming ahead on straight needles.  The real fun will start when I have to knit everything into one piece when I reach the armholes. 

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