Thursday, October 1, 2020

Free Motion Mavericks - Week 300 - Let's Celebrate!


Everyone is invited to tea!  To celebrate Week 300 of Free Motion Mavericks Andrée and I are hosting linky parties on opposite sides of the Atlantic today, so you can dig in your archives and share your favourite posts - Free Motion Quilting with Andrée, and absolutely anything you like can be shared here.

Because this is a party, I shall start by putting out the cake.

Here we have cherry and almond polenta cake, fresh from the oven.  It's light and delicious, gluten free, and very easy to make.  Try out the recipe and let me know how it turns out!

Now it's time to hop over to Youtube to see one of my sewing machines.  I started the Youtube channel in 2011 when it dawned on me that many people who had never used vintage machines were interested in trying them out, but needed a bit of help to get started.  The most viewed videos are the ones that give instructions on how to thread the machines.  However, there is one video that just celebrates the sheer beauty of a particularly gorgeous machine, my Vesta Transverse Shuttle.

To make the video a bit more special I persuaded my son Ally to record a theme tune for it.  he did a great job!  He recorded the sound of my 1927 Singer 99K for the underlying rhythm and built up the rest of the sound track around it.  Listen to the beginning of the video and see if you can pick out the sound of the Singer!

Talking about singers, here is my great friend from summer last year.

My little friend Bob the robin kept me company on busy afternoons at the allotment.  He posed very nicely for me with a full beak, holding a tasty little earwig so that the light shone through its pincers, and on one occasion took an enormous cockchafer grub from my hand.

So there you have three favourite posts from me.  I'm looking forward to seeing yours!  Enjoy the party, a big thank you to everyone who has linked up with Free Motion Mavericks at any time, from Week 1 to Week 300, and also a big hug to my wonderful co host, Andrée over in Canada!

Linking up to Sarah's blog Confessions of a Fabric Addict for Whoop Whoop Friday


  1. Happy 300th anniversary. I'm so thrilled to be a part of your quilty adventure. Thanks for everything! love, Andrée

    1. Thank you Andrée!
      So glad you are enjoying being co-hostess. Thank you for laying on a great party!
      Love, Muv

  2. That Vesta looks like it's brand new! Lovely machine!

    1. It's amazing. I think the original owners shoved it in a cupboard and never used it again when World War 2 broke out.



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