Saturday, April 16, 2022

Progress At Last

Curls and waves were the best way to start after such a long break from quilting.  All the scrappy strips are now finished, so now I can get going with the interesting part.  I have started with the smallest blocks of colour, only 6 x 4 inches.  This way I can see how the colours of the threads match the fabrics.  All the threads are variegated, which makes it easier with shot cottons.  This rusty red fabric has a green weft, so I used a thread that has green and red in it for the quilting.

This grey stripe was tricky to find a match for.  The grey stripe is quite dominant, and I wanted to avoid it competing with the quilting for attention, so I used a thread with muted shades of grey, blue and pink, and kept the quilting fairly simple.

This is a surprisingly dark red, with black warp and bright red weft.  This is my darkest multicolour thread,  and I liked the way the green toned in with the block of green in the scrappy strip.

For this pinky red fabric, I tried out a thread with shades of red and blue, so the blue could chime in with the stripy blue strip beside it.  It was fun doing these serrated leaves.

When it came to quilting this black and red stripe, I was running out of ideas, so I tried a small scale version of the leaves in the black bryony design.  They turned out to be a great way of introducing hearts into a wedding quilt.

After the slow gentle start, I'm now ready to tackle the larger areas of quilting and am looking forward to it.

Free Motion Mavericks will be here next Thursday.  In the meantime, I hope everyone has a Happy Easter!


  1. Happy Easter Muv. The patches are great, amazing what vintage machines can do - the quilting is super. :D

    1. Evening Kerry, Happy Easter to you! Great weather, too. Hope you have had a good day.
      Finally getting into my stride again with the quilting and starting to enjoy myself. Hooray.

  2. Hi Muv, Happy Easter. I'm glad that you're getting back into it without issues. Variegated threads are great to quilt with. Everything looks great! Take care.



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