Friday, November 9, 2012

Adjusting the Stitch Length

All my transverse shuttle machines have a sliding knob on the bed of the machine for adjusting the stitch length.  This photo is of the Little Vesta.  The knob is unscrewed a little to allow it to slide from side to side, and is tightened back down into position once the stitch length is adjusted.

When I started work on one of my machines the knob was jammed firm and would not slide until I had given it oil and persuasion over several days.

Often people clean up an old machine with this type of stitch length adjustment and then find that the material will not feed through the teeth when they first try to sew.  They think they have a serious problem with the machine, but then find that they had unwittingly had the stitch length set at nought. If only every problem with a sewing machine were so easy to solve!

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