Saturday, November 10, 2012

First World War Silk Postcard - Royal Engineers

This is the card that made up my mind.  My grandfather was in the Royal Engineers in the First World War, so there was no way I wasn't going to buy it.

The quality of the stitching is exquisite.  The lettering on the regimental badge is tiny, faded, but all still plainly legible - Royal Engineers in yellow on a blue background, George V's cypher, GVR, in the centre, and the motto Honi soit qui mal y pense around it in yellow on a white background.

I have never taken the cards out of the frame to see what, if anything, is written on them.  They were framed many years ago, and are mounted in wood, not card.  Whether they are mementoes of a loved one who never came back, or souvenirs of a soldier who returned, I shall never know.  


  1. What beautiful stitching, certainly something to treasure.

  2. There are many silk embroidered RE cards from WW1 with some being almost perfect. My father was in the engineers in WW2 which is why I started collecting the WW1 cards :) I have about 60-70 different cards.

    They are fascinating and beautiful to look at.



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