Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thank You, Duncan... and Lily!

 If you have been following the story about Maria's machine at the sewing café Cordial and Grace, you will remember that after cleaning it, the only needles I had for trying out the stitch were blunt.

Duncan has been following this blog for a while now, and very kindly sent Maria a couple of needles that he had spare, and also a photocopy of a manual for the Jones CS.  It was a lovely surprise. Thank you, Duncan!

Anybody who needs replacement needles for a Jones machine can get them from Helen Howes. She has a fantastic website with all sorts of bits and pieces for vintage machines - I have put a link for her website on the sidebar so she is easy to find.  Maria was going to get in touch with her, but running a cafe keeps her well occupied, and Duncan sent the needles before Maria had got round to contacting Helen.

The café was a hive of activity today for the first anniversary celebrations.  Maria hosted a special event, making dresses for the Dress a Girl charity.  All her electric machines were in use throughout the day, and for a couple of hours or so I gave the Jones CS a share of the action too.  I took my friend Lily with me, who is nearly 10, and she helped me make a lovely little pink and green flowered dress.

I must nip in tomorrow for tea and cake and get some pictures of the fabulous dresses...


  1. That looks like my Jones! What kind of needles did he have? (Mine is 1932 based on the serial number.)

  2. Hello Beth

    Duncan sent Maria a couple of needles. Jones machines need needles with a round shank. I have updated this post to make sure anyone who needs needles gets in touch with Helen Howes.

    Good luck with your machine!


  3. Hi Muv, So pleased that the needles have been used to good use and that the cafe is a hive of activity. If Iam down that way. I could do the wood on the Jones if that would be ok by Maria. Just to give it a final touch. One thing that may be possible with the Jones is to replace the needle holder bar with a Singer one,(as the Jones are just Singer clones) so that you could use Singer needles all the time. Will try that today (if I get time). Keep up the great blog (first thing I look at when I have finished work). Love Duncan..

  4. Hello Duncan,
    Really glad to hear that this blog is your after-work tonic. Who needs the telly or beer? I'll be waxing on about French seams soon - hope you don't get too bored.
    Why replace the needle bar when you can get needles from Helen Howes? I hope you don't get into a predicament trying to stick a Singer needlebar into a Jones...
    The wood isn't too bad on Maria's Jones. I'm all for scratches that give a machine a bit of character. Anything short of splinters that snag on your work when you are sewing is OK by me.

  5. Me again, I took some precise measurements of the Singer 127 and Jones needle bar, I think it would work,but have left them alone it was just a "what if". Don't worry I am not going to end up in Bristol with paint stripper,sandpaper and varnish demanding "were is the Jones". "if sir would like to leave the cafe and take his coffee and bun with him"
    Oh 2 star buys. Number 1. I got a lamp from Ikea a Jansjo work lamp £10, as the 201 only has a glow worm on it I thought I would give it a go. Turned out better than expected. I can put it at the back of the machine wrap up and over the hand crank and almost down to the needle. It gives of a very bright light and is also cool being an led light. Number 2. A Singer Buttonhole attachment No 86662. The bloke I got it from considered it strange that a male was buying it as sewing is for women. In his 20's very odd. Stripped it down got all the old grease out re greased it, found the instructions on the net. Yes you have guessed it "oil only" stripped down again and oiled. Now have buttonholes all over the place. French seams "bring it on". No beer this weekend, on call. Will be watching "The Killing" on BBC4 All those Nordic jumpers and a crime thriller as well. Great. Love Duncan

  6. Hello Duncan,
    Buttonholes! You are going to end up as a self-taught tailor - just think of the natty waistcoats!
    I am enjoying imagining your workshop (or is it a shed?) and somehow the whole vision turns into plasticine and inhabited by Wallace and Gromit.
    Enjoy your weekend!



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