Saturday, December 1, 2012

Doll Quilt - Out of Darkness Cometh Light

This is the quilt that I sent to Peggy, showing where I am from. 

I decided that rather than base a quilt on where I live now, I could make it more interesting if I based it on the town where I grew up.  Out of Darkness Cometh Light is the motto on the town's coat of arms.  The sunset behind the factories is based on a particular view I would see from the bus on the way home from school.

The button and the quill in the border refer to a fascinating bit of history.  Button Gwinnett lived there for a few years when he was a young man and married in the parish church in the centre of town. Later he went to America and settled in Georgia.  He signed the Declaration of Independence and for a brief spell he was Governor of Georgia.  I wanted this quilt to end up in Georgia, and the swap co-ordinator Chele very kindly paired me with Peggy.

So there you have it.  A doll quilt for Wolverhampton.

For your added enjoyment here is an interesting video to watch.  Is there a twist to the tale?


  1. I love this quilt, the button & quill are wonderfully placed and the twist in the tale is a fascinating added extra.

  2. Hello Mo and Barbara,

    Thank you - so glad you like this quilt. Nothing like a bit of romantic industrial murk.


  3. My Mom was raised in Dudley, not far from Wolverhampton and I remember going there to visit when I was 12 and again at 16 years old. Love that you based this little quilt on that city.



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