Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Knitted Lace Doily

My husband came home from shopping on Christmas Eve with three bunches of flowers, which led to a flower arranging session, and then a rummage for something to stand the jugs on.  I came across this beautiful little knitted lace doily.

Often people glance at knitted lace and assume it is crochet.  I have seen at least one mislabelled item in a museum.

The only lace knitting I have done was in cream coloured double knitting wool for a cot blanket.  I can't imagine ever settling down and working on tiny doilies - I'm content to admire the work that some patient and skilled lady did many years ago.


  1. I would love a pattern to attempt something like that. Didn't know they were ever knitted.. always assumed they were crochet which I am all thumbs at! Will have to google a search and see if I can find something to try.

  2. It is beautiful, something I have always wanted to try.



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