Thursday, December 27, 2012

Quick and Easy Dresses Coming Soon

A little while before Christmas Sew Scrumptious Louise nipped round here with a big bag of material. I chose these four lengths so I can play mix and match for the next dresses I make for Dress a Girl. I think I will start with the turquoise batik.  There is a pattern on the LBG Studio website which I printed out last night.  Somewhere I have elastic, it's still hiding, but soon enough I will be all set to start. 

Don't get distracted by the giant sized strawberries.  My husband got me a new ironing board cover for Christmas, a last minute purchase on impulse.  Very loud, very girly, very funny that he chose it, I just had to show you.

A big welcome to Samantha, Alcea Rosea 31, Elizabeth Johnson and Karen Black.  Thank you for following!

Karen is my latest doll quilt swap partner... while I am making the little dress I will be dreaming up a little quilt for her...

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