Sunday, February 3, 2013

A Pretty Picture for Sunday - Small Tortoiseshell on a Hand

Last week, a few days after the thaw, I heard fluttering in our bedroom.  This beautiful butterfly was flapping against the window.  He had been hiding somewhere in the room to hibernate and the house was now too warm for him.

He settled for a minute on the back of my daughter's hand.  He wasn't at all interested in the smudge of water and honey she had for him on her hand.  He just rested there and quivered his wings for a while, then I caught him and released him outside.  

He was last seen flying up into a blue (!!!) sky from our back door.


  1. Lovely have you checked out the one on my arm ...

  2. Hello Lorna,

    Yes, seen it. Ooch ouch aarghh. This one didn't bite.

    Ever been bitten by a ladybird? Vicious blighters.


    1. no I've never been bitten by a ladybird .......eek and they look so sweet too bought 5 machines last week .......I've got the bug again ......singer 201K that sews like a dream and I just bought a darning foot and it does exquisite free machine embroidery ...will post about them when I get my act together .....been out of the loop recently (machines only cost £10 each !! and there's a lovely german make with mother of pearl flowers on the plate yummy )....happy stitching......x

  3. Gosh Lorna, what a haul!

    I've been a good girl for ages now and concentrating on using machines rather than buying them. The fact that I've run out of space has nothing to do with it.

    Can't wait to see the pics.


  4. now I'm in my studio I have a teeny bit of room and i am using some of the machines when I teach I can justify it ..'onest......will post pics up this week......x



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