Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tiny Tapestry

The big computer is home again, the quilt for Karen is in the post, and hiding in my sewing den was this lovely little tapestry which I found in a charity shop years ago.  It is framed behind glass, so I had a bit of a job trying to cut down the reflections when taking the photo.  It is absolutely tiny, only 4 inches by 3.

The detail and colour are wonderfully atmospheric.  The ruts on the track draw you into the scene, and the bright pink cherry blossom lets you know it is definitely springtime.  What always intrigues me is, where is it?  It doesn't look like England.  The houses are too white and low, and the roofs too high and steep.

There are no clues on the back, only the address of the framers.  I swear this isn't a picture of Cheshire.  Holland?  Denmark?

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  1. Welcome back! You have been missed.

  2. Oh, it is a beauty! I collect the tiny ones too!

  3. That is so pretty!The colors in this one match perfectly with your space!



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