Monday, February 25, 2013

Y S Star Zigzagger

This intriguing little box was sitting in a charity shop waiting for me.   The dodgy spelling is a bit of a giveaway - I did a bit of research later and found out that it was manufactured in Japan.

Inside was the zigzagger.  Nothing dodgy about that.  A good bit of sturdy metal equipment.

It came with four little metal templates, three of them double ended and one single ended.  The different templates set the zigzagger for the whichever one of the seven different stitches you want to use.

The needle passes through the wide hole in the black plate at the front of the zigzagger.

The underneath of the black plate is ridged, enabling it to grip the material firmly.

Tomorrow's photographs will show the zigzagger attached to the machine....

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  1. that was nifty little find !!.........i have just bought a Singer 401 slant needle on ebay for 36 Dad picked it up for me then he put it on his table went to lift it off by the handle on the case and he bl***y
    dropped it .........I was not a happy bunny ....I am picking it up from him next week so hopefully it was robust enough to survive ......:(

  2. Yes, it's a fab bit of kit.

    Scary stuff, dropping machines. You don't know who will come off worst, man or machine.


  3. man will come off worse if he's broken it ..I can tell you ......:(

  4. can i ask you how much you purchased for this?

    1. Clean forgotten, Paige. Anyway, a charity shop purchase is just that, either a bargain and the proceeds add a little to the charity's coffers, or you are prepared to pay a bit over the odds to swell their coffers a little further.



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