Friday, April 11, 2014

Free Motion Quilting on Tweed

This is the first project using the tweed offcuts I received last week.  I have promised my husband a cushion, using the plain tweeds, which are especially thick and felty.

The first stage was joining the pieces, using a strip of cotton print as binding.  The idea is similar to the method for joining quilted blocks in the quilt as you go method - except that only the top strip is needed.  This way the tweed lies edge to edge, so the seam has no bulk.

Then I pinned on a piece of muslin as backing and started the free motion oak leaves.

They are rough and ready, but this is a bloke's cushion.

The whole idea might sound a bit barmy, but it is turning out fairly well so far.  It has been a lark doing free motion quilting without wadding and with no gloves.

Welcome to HoffiCoffi, the latest follower - thank you for joining!

Linking up today to Sarah's blog Confessions of a Fabric Addict for Whoop Whoop Friday
and Leah Day's blog for Free Motion Friday


  1. Wow, beautiful quilting work. :)

  2. Your projects are always of great interest to me. For me, "tweed" go well with "rough", so I find your quilting perfect for this fabric.
    The way you assembled the pieces of tweed with strips of cotton is very interesting. I see how it can applied to wool. I sometime make quilts with pieces of wool fabric and the seams always bother me because they are somewhat thick. Your method would resolve that problem. Thank you for mentioning that.

  3. Wow, I would never have thought of using looks great!!



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