Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tweed Offcuts

This collection of pure wool tweed offcuts arrived in the post for me a few days ago, direct from the manufacturers in the north of England - a trip of nearly 200 miles.  (Americans take note - this is a small country, and that is a long way).  I didn't know what colours to expect, I took pot luck and asked for five dark colours and five lighter or bright colours.  

As soon as I had time I washed them all, so I know they are pre-shrunk when I use them, and also to ensure there is no loose dye.  After an initial very warm dunk in a bucket, I washed them all together in the machine at 30 degrees.  No nasty running dye - a fantastic result.  I didn't know it was possible to have so much fun with a washing machine.

They vary in weight - the plaids would be suitable for skirts, whereas the plain colours would be ideal for a thick winter coat.  I love the pink...

... and the herringbones are very jolly.  My husband liked the dark green in the top picture and immediately wanted a jacket in it.  No chance, I haven't even got enough to make half a sleeve, so I have promised him a cushion instead.

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  1. Lovely fabrics!! Bad case of stash envy here...


    1. They smell lovely too.
      Want the email address so you can send off for some?
      Love, Muv

  2. you don't mention the size of the fabric. I need squares of about 12" x 12"
    Kind regards

    1. Sorry Sylvia, I can't remember the size or where I got them from.



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