Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Putting Braid on the 1940s Blouse

Slowly but surely the 1940s blouse is taking shape.  When my daughter is around at a convenient moment she tries it on for me.  The sleeves are now on, and since taking this photo I have made the collar, but it is not yet attached.

Also I have sewn on this tiny rick rack, using the braiding foot.  It is very pale pink and it looks really pretty as a trim on the cuffs and collar.  It is getting easier to visualise the finished blouse... 


  1. It's very pretty. The fabric is so pretty, and the rick rack is a perfect touch.

    1. Thank you Deborah. I was a bit worried the fabric print might look a bit riotous, but with the rick rack on it seems to be more under control. I'm really pleased with it.

  2. I love the rick rack trim. :)



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