Monday, August 4, 2014

One Hundred Years Ago Today Great Britain Declared War on Germany

My great uncle, born 1891 in Staffordshire.

Died October 1918, just over a fortnight before the Armistice, and buried in Belgium.


  1. My primary blog is a family history blog and I love reading family stories. Sometimes, like this time, they are so very sad. I'm so sorry.

  2. A sorrowful loss especially so close to the end of the fighting. RIP

  3. My grandad fought with the New Zealand Rifle Brigade, but made it home. His brother, like your great-uncle and so many others didn't. I am always cheered on these occasions to see that they have not been forgotten.

  4. That's was very touching. Thank-you for sharing that with all of us. His memory will now live forever on the web. A small bit of immortality.



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