Thursday, August 14, 2014

The All British Pin Box

This little box has just found its way from an antiques market to my sewing room.  No prizes for working out when they were made.

Inside, two brass screws and the full quarter pound of pins, a bit dull, some very slightly rusty, but after almost a hundred years, still seriously sharp enough to make one proud to be British. Not like those cheap and nasty blunt safety pins imported from C---a that a shop fobbed me off with a few months ago.

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Free Motion Mavericks will be back on the 28th August.
If you had been intending to link up today or next week, you can take a well earnt rest, or just carry on quilting and show extra posts at the end of the month.   

Meanwhile, I shall be having a bit of a holiday.

Welcome to Iris Johnson, the latest follower - thank you for joining!


  1. Wow What a find! And a big sign of relief to have some extra time before our next link up. The quilt I am quilting at the moment is taking a lot longer to quilt than I thought it was going to. I just have the borders to quilt but it is one of the biggest I have FMQ so far. Enjoy your break.

    1. Thank you Cynthia.

      Looking forward to seeing your quilt. It doesn't have to be finished for you to link up... progress reports are more than welcome.

      Love, Muv

  2. After all the work you have been doing, you deserve a holiday! And what a great find on the pins! Sharp pins make all the difference in the world when you are pinning. By the way, love your sewing boxes and what you husband did to fix it. Ingenious!
    PS: So there was only one American in that photo? Hmmm, guess both me and my instincts are rubbish.

  3. Hi, please could someone give me some information on these pins as i too have just been passed down a full unopened box still pinned together on either side?

    1. Just treasure it as a souvenir of the home front during First World War.



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