Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Pretty Picture for Sunday - A Face in Wood

A carving on a massive church door in Santiago de Compostela.

Welcome to Ginasbuttons, the latest follower - thank you for joining!


  1. Hi Lizzie, Firstly, thank you for your very helpful videos on YouTube on how to use a Singer sewing machine. I have been given a Singer, manufactured in 1897 and in perfect working order but I've not been able to use it without your videos. Today, I discovered it has a lot of extra "footplates" in a box in the lid but I have no idea what they are for or how to use them. Are you able to shed a little light on the matter for me? Thanking you in anticipation. Paula

    1. Hello Paula,

      Congratulations on your new machine!

      If the box of attachments is the original set that came with the machine, you are likely to have a few interesting feet. If you go to Helen Howes's website you will be able to identify them, and then I suggest you do an internet search to see how they work.

      I have done a few posts about different attachments - look under the headings on the sidebar on the right.

      Love, Muv



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