Thursday, May 7, 2015

Free Motion Mavericks - Week 43 - A Horizon

Not a huge amount of progress since last week, but the single line of stitching has acquired a few companions and together they are beginning to build up a landscape.  After stitching the horizon I gradually build the picture up in both directions, getting increasingly irritated with the inevitable frilling as I get nearer the top and bottom edges.

The church tower turned out better than expected.  I turned the balance wheel by hand for a few stitches and managed to get the clock face round.  Sewing in the time would be a detail too far, but tempting nonetheless.

For everyone who was intrigued by my husband's woodwork last week, more details of his ingenious flap are here.

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Here goes for week 43...

Many thanks to Alison, Maartje, Linda and Julie for linking up last time.  

If you love free motion quilting, whether you are a beginner just taking the plunge, or you have reached the stage where you can do ostrich feathers with your eyes shut and still achieve perfect symmetry, then please link up.

Remember, FMQ is FMQ, whether your machine was made last week, or it is older than your granny.

Here are the very easy and slightly elastic rules:-

1.  Link up with any recent post, ideally from the last week but within the last month, which features a free motion quilting project, whether it is a work in progress or a finish.

2.  Link back to this post in your own post and/or grab the linky button for your blog's sidebar.
3.  Visit as many of the other participants as possible and say hello in the comments box.

4.  The link up will remain open for four days, from midnight to midnight GMT for the long weekend, Friday to Monday.

So far quilters from the USA, England, Wales, Australia, Canada, Germany, Holland, New Zealand, France and Macau have taken part.  The first participant from each new country will get a special mention the following week

Linking up to Kelly's blog My Quilt Infatuation for Needle and Thread Thursday
and Sarah's blog Confessions of a Fabric Addict for Whoop Whoop Friday.


  1. These little scenes of yours are simply amazing, Muv.

  2. I'd be getting out the Sharpies for depicting the time. LOL Wondering, do you hoop as you go, or use your hands to fight those developing frills? I think I'd almost have to use a hoop. This is looking lovely, by the way.

    I'll be hitting that link about your husband's wood working before the weekend is out. Looking forward to it!


    1. Hello Linda,

      It is one of those old clocks where the fingers have fallen off.

      I neither whoop nor hoop as I go, far too noisy and fiddly. The frills might give a little tuck on the backing, but I manage to keep the front more or less flat enough.

      Love, Muv

  3. I like the scene you are creating; that cathedral is most impressive, especially the small circle for the clock. The smallest I have kept round is a bit bigger than US quarter coin size. Claire aka knitnkwilt

    1. Thanks Claire! It's interesting that you see it as a cathedral - it is just a village parish church. Perhaps I should do a cathedral one day.

      Love, Muv



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