Saturday, May 30, 2015

A Well-Travelled Machine

On Wednesday I took a trip to Hampshire to stay with my friend Kate, and this sewing machine came with me, strapped in securely to the back seat by the seat belt.  A while ago we arranged that I should get a machine on behalf of Kate's friend Lara.  Lara had fond memories of her mother's machine, and I was more than happy to jump into the thrills and spills of Ebay.  I did warn Lara that I might not find the ideal machine for a while, but as it turned out, this Singer 99K cropped up almost straight away. The price was right, I was the only bidder, and it was for personal collection only. The seller was in Surrey, about three miles from my brother, so he collected it for me.  It lurked for a while at his house, until I brought it home in the boot of the car.

It looks remarkably like my star machine, the 1927 Singer 99K, and has all the extras - the original manual, extension leaf and tin of attachments.

The serial number dates it to 1939.  It is in superb condition.  Apart from a bit of fluff and dust here and there, it barely needed cleaning.  Checking it over, cleaning and oiling took barely half an hour.    

It looks like one of those machines that was bought, used a few times, and then put away. Perhaps the date has something to do with it.

So, after travelling from Surrey to Somerset and then to Hampshire, this machine has now found its way to Lara.

Happy sewing Lara!


  1. What a fabulous machine! I am sure the new owner is delighted with it. Good find. :)

    1. Yes, it's a beauty. It was lovely seeing Lara with the machine in front of her and remembering the machine her mother used to have.

  2. I love my 99K. I'm sure Lara will love hers, too. Great find!



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