Tuesday, December 15, 2015

12 x 12 Exhibition At Midsomer Quilting

Realism in thread... the eyes are astonishing!  And slightly terrifying. 
This tiger is by Sue Harris, and is one of the 12 x 12 inch quilts on show at the exhibition at Midsomer Quilting.  The theme was poetry, verse or rhyme, and Sue chose The Tyger by William Blake.  "Tyger, tyger, burning bright..." is all I could remember.  I know a lot of first lines, and school was a long time ago.  However, having just read the poem, I had to take my hat off to Sue when I read "What immortal hand or eye, Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?"  Well, he is symmetrical, and Sue has framed him within 12 inches.
Equally enthralling is De Pickford's quilt illustrating Mending Wall by Robert Frost.  The delicate colours of the silver birches against the blue-grey background, the contrast with the stones of the wall, and the gently falling snowflakes all combine to create a still, calm and timeless scene.
The exhibition is on until 21st December, and Angela Knapp's amazing quilts are also still on show.  If you have the chance to visit, you still have a few days left.  I am hoping to make another trip there this week so I can place a bid on one of the quilts that are in the auction.  The trouble is, I still can't decide which one.


  1. Какие красивые работы! Одна другой лучше. Смотрю и не насмотреться,,,



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