Sunday, December 20, 2015

A Picture for Sunday - The Severn

When reality imitates art...

My husband went on a boat trip on the River Severn earlier this year, and at one point had the feeling that he was in one of my stitched landscapes.  Being a true sport, he took some photos for me.


  1. Чудесные пейзажи. Всегда люблю смотреть ваши фото.

  2. Dear Muv, this photo is very pretty, and I think you have just gotten my husband in trouble. It had not occurred to me, in these years of landscape quilting, that because he was a very good photography student at the art school where we met, he could probably shoot photos that far surpass the beauty and quality of mine. Hmmmmm......(and thank you)....

    1. Where's the problem, Linda? He takes the pics, you stitch them. You can apply a bit of artistic licence to his landscapes, but he can't to yours. All sounds pretty fair to me.

      xx Muv

    2. Me too! Happy new year, dear lady!!

    3. Thanks Linda - you too!



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