Saturday, December 12, 2015

Going To A New Home

One of my friends mentioned a while ago that her sister was looking for a sewing machine.  Her sister is teaching children to sew, and she has a particular little girl in mind who she wants to start off with a hand machine.

Meanwhile, this Singer 99K was sitting at home waiting for me to clean it up.  My husband brought it home from work, where it had been given to him.  It was one of those machines that had belonged to an aunt and hadn't been used for years.

The serial number dates the machine to 1918.

During the First World War Singer machines made in Scotland had "Made in Great Britain" stamped on them - in this case, on the underneath.

First I had to repair the thread guide on the face plate, then I had to free up the action. Despite these setbacks, cleaning up the machine was fairly straightforward.  Unfortunately the plywood on the bottom of the base had split, so my husband replaced it.  It looked as though at some point it had been standing in water, and the cover was missing, probably wrecked at the same time.  However, there was no trace of rust or water damage to the actual machine, and it is now cleaned up and ready for use. 

Now I am looking forward to hearing how the little girl takes to using this lovely old machine.


  1. How lovely to think of a new generation learning to sew on a machine which is nearly a hundred years old. I wonder how many people have learnt to sew on this machine?

  2. My first reaction, when I saw 'Going to a New Home' was "Noooooooooooo!" Then I went on to read why it was going to a new home. I just hope this little girl will someday realize how very lucky she was to start out with this machine. And how very 'coincidental' that your husband was given this beautiful piece of art!

  3. These are such wonderful machines for children to use! Many years ago, one of my daughters used mine to make a lap quilt for her great grandma!

    1. What a lovely gift for your daughter to make! I delivered the machine on Tuesday, and found out that the little girl who is going to use it is all of seven years old.

  4. Dearest Muv, the little girl is very much enjoying using the machine, I have some lovely photos of her first go on it, would you like me to send you them? The lovely thing was, when I first brought it round for her to use, her Mum (who has never shown the slightest interest in sewing) enthused about it being just like the one her mother had! And little Miss loves it because it's not noisy like the electric one her brother is learning on! I'm hoping she'll take to it so well that I can give it to her, and make space for my Stoewer which is currently being restored! Thanks again! Elizabeth.

    1. Hello Elizabeth!

      Excellent news! But it's no surprise that your little girl pupil has taken to the machine, and that it made her Mum come over all nostalgic. Yes please, I would love to see pictures.

      Love, Muv



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