Friday, April 27, 2018

Knitted Cardigan for a Baby Girl

Girls are a bit thin on the ground amongst my brother's grandchildren.  At the moment the score stands at 7-3 So when I went to my latest great-nephew's christening a fortnight ago I took the yellow version of this cardigan as a present and this little purple number stayed at home.  

I used a random grey and pink double knitting yarn and alternated it with a pale purple.

The edges are a dark purple, and the buttons are most definitely on the girls' side.

Now I have to knit another baby boy cardie to keep in reserve.  Something to keep me quiet in the evenings.

Linking up with Sarah's blog Confessions of a Fabric Addict for Whoop Whoop Friday
and Amanda Jean's blog Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish It Up Friday



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