Friday, April 6, 2018

Twiddle Blanket With Forget-Me-Nots

Or are they blue windmills?

The volunteer organisation that collects and distributes twiddle blankets to dementia patients in the local hospital has adopted the forget-me-not as their symbol, so this time I knitted blue flowers.  But they are big and bold, so the similarity with forget-me-nots ends with the colour.

I used muted pinks and greys for much of the background, but threw in a bit of yellow here and there.  With the pale brown next to it I am transported back to my childhood.  Who else remembers banana splits, individually wrapped rectangular toffees, four for a penny?  By that I mean proper big pre-decimalisation pennies.

The flowers are all knitted with double yarn to vary the shades, so no two are exactly alike.  This is the darkest.

And this one hits the average, and looks the most mottled.

Now that the weather has finally warmed up I shall restrict myself to small scale knitting projects.  Once these blankets started to grow they kept me warm as I knitted them!

Linking up with Sarah's blog Confessions of a Fabric Addict for Whoop Whoop Friday
and Amanda Jean's blog Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish It Up Friday.


  1. I am fascinated by the knitted flowers!

    1. Have a go, Lynette, they're easy! Here are the instructions, if you missed them:-

  2. My quilt guild makes Fidget Quilts. Your Twiddle Blankets serve the same purpose. Both are a blessing to the dementia patients who receive them.

  3. Oh how delightful. I was never good at sewing but this makes me want to at least try.



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