Friday, April 20, 2018

Winter Cardigan for a Baby

It was my latest great nephew's christening on Sunday, and I had this cardigan for him finished just in time.  It is the size of the little cardigan my son wore for his first Christmas, so it should fit the new baby this winter.

...I alternated yellow 4 ply yarn used double with a random grey double knitting yarn with streaks of white and greenish blue running through it.  For the edges I used plain grey.  Choosing the buttons took ages, but in the end I spotted these buttons with a mother of pearl effect.

I was really please with how the soft yellow with muted grey turned out.  Somehow it looks like something you would see a French baby in for his Sunday best.  Even the babies are chic in France.

Linking up with Amanda Jean's blog Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish It Up Friday.


  1. So sweet! I still have the now-61 year old cardigan my mother made for me when I was born. It's a little tight.

  2. Lol DBrez!
    It's such a sweet cardigan. My mother knits and made lots of cardigans and jumpers for my two. One of my favourites was a blue and white one with much the same style pattern as yours. I'm rubbish at knitting or crochet (I still have a sleeveless jumper that my grandmother made when I was about 13) and my husband is really happy that I don't have an arsenal of wool as well as fabric!

  3. Hi Muv, that's a really cute cardigan!



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