Sunday, January 27, 2019

A Picture for Sunday - January Sky

Only a minute or two earlier these clouds had been forming a criss-cross pattern.  By the time I had reached a good vantage point to take a photo they had rearranged themselves.  Half an hour later the sky had completely clouded over and life was back to normal.

Linking up with Wandering Camera at Whims and Fancies.


  1. That picture is spectacular. The tree is spaced so well. I am a landscape artist and at first it looked like it was painted, then I thought it was a quilt. LOL. Then I got out of my reclining position and closer to the screen. What part of the country do you live in? Or what part were the pictures taken in if not by home.

    1. Hello Carline,

      We are a few miles west of Bristol, and this was taken on one of my regular walks not far from our house. We get some interesting skies, but I'm not always quick enough to get a photo.

      Love, Muv

  2. Don't you just hate it when the clouds have rearranged themselves by the time you get your camera? Same thing happened to me yesterday. It is a beautiful picture though! So glad you captured it!

    Thank you for linking up on Wandering Camera!

    1. Thanks Soma! Those clouds just won't stay still, will they?

  3. I love this picture just as it is, so I can only imagine what inspired you to get out there in the first place! Joining you for the first time from Wandering Camera.

    1. Thanks Angie! There is a tiny bit of criss-crossing still in the picture, but nothing compared to what it had looked like a minute earlier.



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